Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wednesday,12th Mei 2010-So Far..I never travel to peninsular Malaysia money then can't do much..hehe..I just had been visit Selangor once and Perak twice..It will be more realistic next year..When I earned my own money..hehe...=) Sooner...haha...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Welcome To Menumbok Jetty Terminal

Saturday,24th April 2010-It was a lovely day that I can spend my time at Labuan once again after 4 years didn't come visit this island after my matriculation's life..One can go to Labuan from Kota Kinabalu via 3 ways which are by ferry(from Jesselton Point Terminal,Kota Kinabalu), by speed boat at Menumbok terminal(need to about 2 n half hour along the road from Kota Kinabalu to Menumbok) and by flight. Me and my boyfriend decided to go by speed boat at Menumbok terminal. We parked our car near the terminal,actually the parking site is the compound of the people who build their house just next to the teminal. They charge RM10.00 per night parking. The parking site is quite OK coz they provide you with garage, but the garage is so limited. If you park outside of the garage, one just need to pay for RM5.00 but the parking site is without roof and seems like not safe enough for your car..hehe..

Speed Boat at The Menumbok Jetty

View of The Jetty

We were charged Rm20.00 for the speed boat that we took from this terminal coz the time we arrived the jetty is around 4pm-5pm already. So the man at the jetty charged us for an extra RM5.00 (The normal fee is just RM15.00 if u depart not late than this time or maybe need arrive at least 3pm at the jetty so u got normal fee for speed boat. So don't malas2...if got a plan to play around then completely settle down all the thing needed for travel a day before your it..hehe..=)

This is the coal point called The Chimney..It is located at Tanjung Kubung and the coal mining was during the 19th century. Many died in a cave-in and the mine operation have to be closed ever since.

In the cave at the chimney museum

Mun: " You Work So Hard Brother!! Syabas!!"

Welcome to Labuan Bird Park

Its ME..hehe

Malay Name : TIONG MAS
English Name : Hill Myna

Kingdom : Animal
Phylum : Chordates
Subphylum : Vertebrates
Order : Passeriformes
Genus : Gracula
Scientific Name : Gracula religiosa

Crowned Crane Bird

This is a green bird with a unique name..Green Lory/ Nuri Merah

English Name: Red Lory
Malay Name : Nuri Merah
Scientific Name : Eas bornea bornea

In The Bird Gallery

A couple of ostrich..=)

The bird's diverse type n size of egg

This species of bird..I don't know its name.but it is so aggresive..huhu

Take a break at Layang-layangan Beach...enjoy sea view..Me n The people around me that close to me really like to eat chicken satay..hehe..yum..

Our favaourite..yummy!!

We like to eat "sayap ayam bakar" too.Here at Pantai Layang-layangan LABUAN is quite expensive..RM2.00/satu kepak ayam..tapi ok la..sedap.huhu...kalau pergi Tanjung Aru dekat Kota Kinabalu memang order sayap ayam madu tu menjadi kewajiban...hehe..

Air bandung..I suggested for him..hehe

I just can't wait to eat this coconut's white flesh.It is also called endosperm..I Like it...
Scientific Name : Cocos nucifera
Family : Aricaceae

An attractive building at the peace park..

Posing on the hill at peace park..this is restricted area..don't do this when you came here...hehe

Surrender Point (Damai Point)-The surrender point is also called as PEACE PARK. It is a World War II Memorial located at the scenic village of Layang-layangan. Built in 1982 by the Japanese government for the historical rememberance of the Japanese Army surrender to the Australian during World War II.

Peace Park.really a peace park..=)

Ban San Miao Chinese Temple..This temple is quite big and so pretty..When you enter this temple, you will find a black curtain entrance that was so weird..actually we were very curios and want to know what is the thing and my friend not dare to enter the black curtain entrance coz there were no guide that bring us in and there were no people inside the temple other tan me and my we were not so couragely enter it which is situated at the basement of the funny..and our imagination and expectation is the black entrance is the symbol of "hell" while the gold-like stature that situated at the top of the temple(you can see from the photo above yellow-shining stature) is symbolize the heaven??is it??

Lets go for a steam boat here..only RM20.00/person and it unlimited from 6pm-10pm..You can eat as much as you can..huhu

The view at Manja Rasa Restaurant..

The Kancil Car That We Rent At The Labuan Terminal. 24hours = RM70.00 NOT INCLUDED THE FUEL.=)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


A must-visit in Kundasang is the Kundasang War Memorial. Established in 1962, this was one of the first memorials to commemorate the brave Australian and British Prisoners of War who died in Sandakan and during the infamous death marches to Ranau during World War II. The memorial also remembers the people of North Borneo who risked their lives to help the POWs.The Memorial is made up of four beautiful gardens - the Australian Garden, the English Garden, the Borneo Garden and the Contemplation Garden and Pool - to represent the different nationalities.

The Australian Garden

Me @ Bie

War Memorial

My Beloved frend- Wong Mun Bin

Memory of the 641 British Servicemen

Wong Mun Bin with the towering pine trees at left and right

Bie in British Garden

British Garden

Australia n British Flag

Bie in Contemplation Garden-make a wish by throwing coin inside the pool..huhu...=)

There were the frog and the turtle sitting inside the contemplation garden..cute..=)

See..i had thrown my 10cent inside the contemplation pool..hehe