Saturday, May 8, 2010

Alpha n Omega Of Uni Life

When I was in the early of uni life, i never think of wanna score well or even want to achieve dean list in University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) .hehe..never...i was so unvision (please make ur own correction if my grammar is wrong) that everyday i just think of wana finish d semester n can sleep enough at home rather than doing assignment in hostel for d whole "last minute" day.. How lazy I am during the time..haha..

Then, suddenly for few reasons that i can't tell u here..i was transformed to a new lady with her own vision in academic..i start to achieve an excellent result which i consider good enough for me during second year..i was so happy that i keep on moving after that..

During 3rd year in uni..i arrange my time as smart as i can..busy with my SUKSIS (Kor Sukarelawan Siswa Polis) training in UMS.. i was so impressed that i got chance to use M16 n Smith n Watson 3.8 revolver..even got chance to it was damn challenging for me coz involve in such a big commitment in SUKSIS, but so proud that i can pass my academic where pointer still can maintain 3.0 n above..not bad..huhu..

Then, in final year, having teaching practical in St. Peter Secondary School In Kudat. Observation was done by my supervisor, Dr Tan who teach me so much effective techniques n approaches to the students...I can feel it was really hard to apply all the psychology, pedagogy, teaching approaches n all the skills that had been learnt theoretically in uni to a skill-needed field in real situation.. Facing with damn mischievous students was really uncontrollable for me sometimes..and im still learning on how to take a good control on this type of species..haha..

After practical, I was at home..nothing to do..onlining and sumtimes slept at 3am/4am. One day, I was wake up at 12pm and found my vertebral column in pain and fall into fever after several hours..i can't wake up coz dizziness and my mum cook some porridge for me coz i resist to eat heavy food.Then, slowly my palm n hand n leg turn reddish.There were many red small spot that appear after one day of my fever..they were so itchy that i kent sleep d whole night..I was examined by doctor in Hospital Daerah Kudat the next day and suspected for Demam Denggi. It is because my RBC is lower than my WBC after my blood test.

However the doctor asked me to come again for blood test and blood pressure test for the next day. On the next day, during blood test, i feel unfamiliar coz nowdays the hematologist need to take a full like 5-10ml of blood in a was painful that d hematologist inject my hand untill 6 times but my blood still kent suck out. i was surrender after the 6th trial n feel like want to faint already..haha..then the nurse ask me to rest a while..she try to inject me for the 7th times but my body system still resist to transfer out my blood to the cylinder..then finally it is succeed at 8th trial.

I was asking to check my blood pressure..n i feel really funny when d machine was ring up a loud sound that indicate i was in critical..haha..very funny..d nurse try to check blood pressure for the second time and the machine ring out again.i was so scare that funny thing suddenly disappear..what happen to me???am i die soon?? scare..scare..

The doctor come out with a result after some diagnosis. She authenticates d Deman Denggi on feel a bit tak selesa that moment cod i dislike to sleep in hospital's ward with those food for d gona be a patient..i dun like..i dont wan..God!! i dun wan to see d water and all d supplement hanging around me n cucuk my hand..Luckily, the doctor give me a choice coz saw my big impression on that about to be warded in hospital..i am happy that i can choose home as a site to heal..i can even turn worse if i was forced to stay in hospital..haha..But after that i really menyesal stay at home n ignoring d doctor's advice to drink at least 3-4 bottles of 1.5 L of mineral water everday so i can throw the virus via urea everyday..there was no medicine for Demam Denggi other than drink much of mineral water...d virus spread all over my body and its really itchy inside my body that my flesh was feel like diserang virus everywhere...i can't sleep all over the night..

I feel really uncomfortable that i start to cry..worry of my final tesis that undone n need to submit soon on the next week..I Pray to the Lord for strength n healness....

Thank God that i was heal several days later n i rush on my tesis n finally passed up on time too..
The most amazing is i obtain flying colors on my practical n final tesis. I was happily attending a MADIK (Malam Pendidikan for the students who obtain 3.50 n above)..

on the stage

Me n Mean

Me n Liza

Me n member of the nite


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