Saturday, May 8, 2010

Me N My Old Camera

Time elapse so its my jobless season or in malay also known as "tanam anggur"..sure can eat d grape that had been seeds after dis..haha

Life will either tough or comfortable after dis???For me, d answer is it depends on how much you wan to move on or make a progression in your life..Tough is d alpha of comfortable..

We were so lucky that we were the Homo Sapiens that endowed with thought..where we can utilize our brain to digest so many conumdrum of life. So lucky that some of us possess full-equipment of body that enable us to hear,to see, to sense, to taste, to move, to breath, to think and so on.

When i move on dis life, i realize i was damn forgetful one to memorize so much nice i decided to create my blog, so i can share with you people outside there something bout my old n outdated camera's proud of my camera even it is cheap n much comparable behind other brand n model of camera, but it still can capture n recording my sweet moment of life..I love my camera...ummuah!!

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