Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kudat,Sabah (My recipe on lunch)

When I was writting this blog,i was only 23years old..i try to put as much of my daily things here so it will be a meaningful history in my life that can be read, see and experienced by all the
sapiens that know me..

I start to cook when I was in primary school.. My mum teach me on how to cook many types of "lauk kampung"/traditional food of Rungus people (native people in Kudat, Sabah).

Hm..i think i start to cook for my family as early as i was ten years old..=) so hebat rite?? heehe..
Below is some of the common and simple set lunch that I cook..its my family's habit to cook as simple as the freshness of the vege/meat will not destroyed..=)

These are the 3 menus that i cooked
prawn with oyster sauce

Spounge guard(Trichosanthes anguina) + fried fish

cucumber + soya sauce + chili + monosodium glutamate + sodium chloride

Overall : i like ^________^

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